Customized Access Control

Stay secured

Start Free Choose access levels for your profile, data and other features for other users.

Customized Access Control

Your data and communications are secure with uKnowva. Since you share extensive data and interactions on uKnowva, it understands the need to safeguard what you share. Every salient feature on uKnowva provides access controls to choose who can or cannot see the content in that feature.

Keep control of who has the admin access and the rights to change apps, menus, groups, themes and more. uKnowva gives you the control to account settings and administrative tasks so that your data and settings stay secure. You hold the remote control to provide access and access levels to external collaborations with your vendors, partners and, in several cases, even customers.

Along with restricting access, uKnowva also provides a very useful feature of Single Sign On. Thanks to its inbuilt web services, uKnowva gets all your apps and portals integrated to a single sign in. You don't need to remember several passwords anymore. Just a single sign in on uKnowva can help you automatically login to all other regularly used applications. Save your time, because as they say time = money.

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{uKnowva is a brainchild of Convergence Services}